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Captivating: UNVEILING THE MYSTERY OF A WOMAN’S SOUL – Lesson 4 – Chapter 6 Healing the

Healing the Wound

Journal what God shows you along this path of prayer.

A good Album to listen to while you journal…. “The Undoing” – Steffany Gretzinger” (beware of ads at the beginning)

What we’re going to do now is pray together. Take turns praying out loud, and follow along in your hearts, agreeing. Pause in the appropriate places for you to make it personal …I know this is deeply personal. It’s also so beautiful. Let’s go to God together.Let’s ask him!”

“It begins with surrender. We give ourselves fully over to God.” To enter the journey towards the healing of your feminine heart, all it requires is a “Yes. OK.” A simple turning in the heart. Like the prodigal son, we wake one day to see that the life we’ve constructed is no life at all. We let desire speak to us again, we let our heart have a voice.

Dear God, this isn’t working. My life is a disaster. Jesus-I’m sorry. Forgive me. Please come for me Jesus, I belong to you. You have ransomed me with your very life. I give you my body as a living sacrifice. I give you my soul and my spirit as well. I give you my will, my words and my deeds. I give you my mind and my heart. I give my whole self back to you-all those parts of me that I like and all those I am ashamed of I give you my past, my present and my future. I surrender all that I am or have been or long to be to you, Jesus. I am yours. Amen.

Give him permission. Give him access to your broken heart. Ask him to come to these places.

Yes, Jesus, yes. I do invite you in. Come to my heart in these shattered places. (You know what they are-ask him there. Is it the abuse? The loss of your father? The jealousy of your mother? Ask him in). Come to me, my Savior. I open this door of my heart. I give you permission to heal my wounds. Come to me here. Come for me here.

Renounce the agreements you’ve made.

Jesus, forgive me for embracing these lies. This is not what you have said of me. You said I am your daughter, your beloved, your cherished one. I renounce the agreements I made with (Name the specific messages you’ve been living with. ‘Tm stupid. I’m ugly.” You know what they are). I renounce the agreements I’ve been making with these messages a// these years. Bring the truth here, 0 Spirit of Truth. I reject these lies.


Okay-now for a hard step (as if the others have been easy). A real step of courage and will. We must forgive those who hurt us. The reason is simple. Bitterness and unforgiveness are claws that set their hooks deep in our hearts; they are chains that keep us held captive to the wounds and the messages of those wounds. Until you forgive, you remain their prisoner. Paul warns us that unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others (Ephesians 4:31; Hebrews 12: 15). We have to let them go.

Forgive as Christ has forgiven you. (Colossians 3: 13)

My dear Jesus, thank you for forgiving me all my sins at the cross. Please help me to forgive others as well. It’s hard, Lord. But you do it. Would you please 2 forgive them through me? Jesus, by your grace, with your strength and in your Name, I forgive for . I release them to you. I lay them down at your feet. I bring your cross and your blood between us. Please cleanse me of my sin again, and cleanse me of theirs. Forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Ask Jesus to heal.

We turn from our self-redemptive strategies. We open the door of our hurting heart to Jesus. We renounce the agreements we made with the messages of our wounds, renounce any vows we made. We forgive those who harmed us. And then, with an open heart, we simply ask Jesus to heal us. “He likes to be asked” (C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew).

Dear Jesus, come to me and heal my heart. Come to the shattered places within me. Come for the little girl that was wounded. Come and hold me in your arms, and heal me. Do for me what you promised to do-heal my broken heart and set me free. Amen.

Ask him to destroy your enemies.

Jesus, come and rescue me. Set me free from (you know what you need freedom from). Release me from darkness. I reject them and ask you to destroy them. Set me free. Amen.

Receive his love.

Father, I need your love. Come to the core of my heart. Come and bring your love for me. Help me to know you for who you really are-not as I see my father. Reveal yourself to me. Reveal your love for me. Tell me what I mean to you. Come and father me. Amen.

Ask him to answer your question.

Finally, we ask God to bestow our identity. He is our True Father. We bring our heart’s question to him.

And Father, now I want to ask you, “What do you think of me as a woman? Do you delight in me? Am I captivating to you?”

This is just the beginning. God will come and he does heal, and we grow in letting him. We need God to father us. We are his children, his daughters, his beloved ones. Stay with the question. Continue asking him how he sees you. The hard part will be believing that what he says is true! Because when you do hear what he truly feels about you, it will be so dose to what you have always wanted, you’ll think you are making it up! You aren’t. Let it be true.

Journal what God shows you along this path of prayer. A good Album to listen to while you journal…. “The Undoing” – Steffany Gretzinger” (beware of ads at the beginning)


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