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jesus and me romance

Our goal in this lesson is to deeply awaken us to the ways that Jesus has and is romancing us.

We want to grasp that God is not after our performance but after our hearts. Yes, he loves obedience, but only when it flows from a heart that loves him. We want to come to know that we are loved right now, today, in this moment. God is not waiting to love us until we reach a certain level of performance. He is smitten with us and longs for us to love him and receive his love.

As women we often long to be romanced; to be fought for, to be pursued, wooed, and won. It is an ageless longing and one that remains no matter our marital status.

Remember Isaiah 62:1-5? Zion’s New Name?

…..But you will be called Hephzibah,[my delight is in her.] and your land Beulah[married]; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married. As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry you;as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. God is the Author of romance.

When you flesh out the desire to be romanced. What does it involve? It involves pursuit, being wanted, known. It involves intimacy.

Have these desires been substantially met?

When you first became a Christian, what did you think God wanted from you? What God is after is the heart.

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. Hosea 2:14

Think about what it feels like to be allured….How intoxicating it is. And now imagine being lead to a place of deep wanting and needing (wilderness)….being the object of that tender voice speaking to the desires of your hearts. This is the strong, sweet and tender way that Jesus romances us.

What would you love for God to say to you? What we long for Jesus to say to us is exactly what he is saying to us. Jesus says “You are lovely.” “ I delight in you.”.

God is not after servants who love, but lovers who serve. Keep your eyes and the eyes of your hearts open so that you might see and recognize the ways that Jesus is coming for you. This week. Today.


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