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You Have an Irreplaceable Role

We long for an irreplaceable role to play because we have one! God has woven it into our hearts. The way we live it out will look different from woman to woman. Let’s shed light on the fact that an irreplaceable role in the eyes of God and his Kingdom looks very different from the eyes of the world.

Our desire to play an irreplaceable role in a heroic adventure as being key to our hearts. We desire it because God placed the desire within us. It is where we bear his image! For many women, the creation story has not been a source of great personal inspiration. Many of us have felt secondary, inferior, and even rebellious about the creation order. We haven’t liked being called a “Helper.” But that is because we have not understood its meaning. Women are created as man’s ezer kenegdo, which is a position of great honor and glory. We want to come to know that more deeply!

What struck you the most about this chapter (12)? Do you resonate with this desire? Have you understood that being a woman, created as an ezer, has such immense dignity and value?

Read Genesis 1:26 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” God is saying, “Let them rule.” Adam and Eve are co-rulers of the earth. Is this a new revelation to you? What do you think about that?

What about present-day heroes? The women from the Bible mentioned in the video were life givers, bringing forth life in different ways. Who do you admire and esteem?

As we are increasingly healed and growing in Christ, God restores our desires to us. Some are recovered and others are discovered. Is God restoring any desires to you?

Now to transition to the holy ground of bringing forth life. Not all women are mothers, but all women are life givers. We don’t all give physical birth to babies, but we are invited by God to give birth to all kinds of things! Dream a little. Or to dream a lot! What would you love to give birth to?

This can be a difficult subject for women who don’t feel they are very important in what they are offering. The place of our desire to be irreplaceable has been wounded and often shamed by the world.

Stay-at-home moms who feel invisible are actually invaluable! Some women may feel they abandoned their true desire and settled. Some may have no idea what their desires were or are. The place of our desires to be irreplaceable is holy ground. The enemy has attacked and assaulted this area where we bear God’s image. God has written something personal and deep and true on each one of our hearts. Sometimes the way to know what it is, is to look at how we have been wounded. The lies and the attacks of the enemy come directly against our glory—how we bear God’s image.

Some desires are more mythic than specific. In the video one of the women mentions that some desires are more mythic than specific. As a little girl, she wanted to be a nurse. She is not a nurse but sees how she does still want to bring healing to the brokenhearted. Does this resonate with some of you?

Timing varies. God often asks us to lay our desires at his feet for a time until he has us pick them up again. Maybe we want to sing. We have a great voice. But God hides us for a while, perhaps a long while, singing only to him while he does a deep work in our hearts until he pulls the curtain back for us and invites us to sing for others.

God wants us to live our lives with him. Together in every aspect and every moment. He isn’t bored with us. And he wants to restore our hearts and our desires to us. He wants us to know that we are irreplaceable! We are vital. To him and to the world. All women have an irreplaceable role to play and are called to be life givers. The way we live this out expresses itself in many ways throughout our lives. You are a woman. You are a life giver. You do have an irreplaceable role to play. We need you. God needs you. Choose him. First. Last. And in between.


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