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Don’t Be Ignorant!

Don’t be ignorant of the devil’s strategies. We need to equip ourselves with revelation on how to defeat the enemy of our souls. We are warned in John 10:10 that the enemy intends to kill, steal and destroy our lives and the lives of our families. Sickness, disease, murders, immorality...this is not God’s will. The principalities and powers of the enemy were spoiled by Jesus, but spoiled doesn’t mean that they were made powerless. We were instructed to equip ourselves with revelation on how to defeat the enemy of our souls. Warfare doesn’t stop just because we don’t recognize the devil. If Jesus is our sole focus, it does not make us immune to warfare. However, God-focused, not demon-focused is where we must live. The kingdom of darkness was ransacked by Jesus. Although the kingdom of darkness and all the principalities and powers that call it home lost all authority over the born again believer, we still have to enforce the kingdom rule of law on planet earth…”in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big! #TheE320Life #DreamBig #PrayBig #BelieveBig #love #grace #mercy #God #Jesus #godisgood #faith #Bible #abundance #blessings #healing #holyspirit #joy #worship #GodsTiming #timing #victory


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