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Heart means passion, commitment, and willingness to persevere; to give their best and never give up. In the same way God is not so interested in your appearance or skillset. God is looking for hearts that seek him and are willing to trust Him.

Young David in the Bible was the youngest of eight brothers and was given the humbling responsibility of tending the sheep. Yet God chose David to be king because he was a man after God’s own heart. We also see how David didn’t need King Saul’s fancy armor to defeat the giant, Goliath. David went out in his ghetto, shepherd’s clothes to confront Goliath. Even though David didn’t have the nicest weapons, he trusted in the Lord and with one smooth stone from his sling, he slayed Goliath.

God doesn’t use those who look the part, he uses those who have the right heart!

Samuel 16: 6-13

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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