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Gratitude Challenge 7 days – 7 Thankfuls Day Seven

Day Seven:

  1. The love my my very good friend, Billie Korstad. If you know her, you know what I feel when I write this.

  2. The privilege of being able to see the heart for Jesus that my sweet friend Jonna Jackson has, as I look at her painting displayed in my home.

  3. My gas stove. Reminds me of learning to cook on my grandma’s old gas stove.

  4. The sweet ways that God talks to me every day. Even if it’s via a movie theme song! LOL! He’s so funny sometimes.

  5. For Joshua’s mom, Nick’s mom, and Vicky’s dad. They are a part of the beautiful children in my life.

  6. For my spiritual confidant and mother, Valinda. She loved me through a very dark time in my life. You know my love for you lady!

  7. For the loving encouragement of my sisters in Christ, Amber and Shaula. Girls, you are no joke! God sent you to me to hold my feet to fire and to always remind me who I am in Christ. Love you both very much.


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