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Joy Comes In The Morning

Read: Matthew 26-28, Luke 22:44 Mark 16:16, Psalm 30

Today, Easter Sunday, April 12th, 2020, how did you spend your day?

I don't know if you've heard, but we happen to be in the midst of worldwide viral pandemic right now. And we just happen to be at the peak of it here in our United States of America.

All in-person live events canceled. Most of us would be up early preparing for a busy day. Pastors and their staff preparing for elaborate Easter events and "Egg-stravaganzas", mom's and dad's up early before the kids, getting toy and candy-filled baskets ready for the kids to wake up to, the cooks of the family making their favorite Easter side dish to take to church for the 'after-service BBQ potluck, others starting up the grill for a BBQ feast at home. Christ follower or not, most people would have been doing something to acknowledge the day.

But is this year different for you? Are you mourning the loss of the events, community egg hunts, being THE Easter event host, showing off that well thought out Easter outfit? Or did you find yourself in a different state of mind today?

Eddie and I have been heavily involved in our home churches since 2011. We'd be up way before the sun came up only having slept a couple of hours because of all of the prep work in the weeks preceding. We would get to the church early to prepare for our particular parts in the days events. Then, after just a few hours, after services, egg hunts, food, and clean up with the community, it was all over and we'd drop like sacks of potatoes....tired and achy.

This Easter Sunday we found ourselves sleeping in. Slowly waking up to sweet a "Happy Easter, honey." Praying a prayer of thanks for the peaceful awakening. For a short moment, I found myself grieving deeply with the understanding that this peaceful awakening came at an extremely high price. As a matter of fact, a sacrificial bankruptcy had to occur for my peaceful awakening this morning.

Heaven began to pay out on Jesus's withdrawal with His anguish In the garden of Gethsemane, the days that came after, the persecution, the betrayal, the humiliation, the beatings, the lashings that became our healing today, the nails that pierced His hands and feet, His compressed lungs collapsing, His taking on of all the sins and transgressions of the entire past, present and future world, forgiving those that were killing Him...Heaven became bankrupt for you and me to wake up peaceful and forgiven this morning.

We find ourselves entirely Jesus-focused today. Celebrating not that He had to die for our sinful nature, but that He conquered the grave for our God-given spirits to live forever with Him! On this day, Eddie and I spent time with Jesus at that sacred supper table, taking of His flesh and blood...fully alive in Him.

Today, we celebrate and acknowledge that the tomb was empty and that the Angel did not roll the stone away from the tomb opening so that Jesus could come out...but so that people could go in and see that it was indeed empty and conquered like He promised He would do. I've seen the empty tomb through the living word of God and the testimony of those that saw it for themselves on this Resurrection Day.

I am humbled and honored to testify that Jesus Is Alive and has been a loving and merciful Father, Daddy, Friend, Brother, Helper and Savior, every day of my life. It is because of His sacrifice that I am here today.

Again, today, Easter Sunday, April 12th 2020, how did you spend your day?

Are you living today in gratitude of simple but miraculous blessings like waking up to a new day where the possibility of joy comes again?


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