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My trip to India

Will you please join me?

Over the last 2 1/2 years God has taken me on an incredible journey of faith! During this time I have been attending Gateway Community Church here in Austin. I have joined a small bible study group and have made great friends! I have been staying involved in many church activities and serving in some very worthy and rewarding causes.

For several years, my church has partnered with the organization Impact India360 ( to help serve the spiritual, relational and physical needs of the people who reside in Rhajamundry, India.

Each year, a team from Gateway partners with the Indian staff to love on orphans, and the elderly, meet medical and dental needs, and teach in Missionary Training School! When I heard this last year, I immediately knew that going to India would be the next “step” in the faith journey that God has had me on! I was blessed with the opportunity to serve with last year’s India Serve team and the experience was amazing to say the least. I gained important perspective but more importantly, I was able to share God’s Love globally. Witnessing that same Love in the people of India was life changing for me. Living out the great commission…being called to the nations…what an amazing feeling and humbling at the same time. God’s Love is within us to share with the world!! And He has empowered us to minister with it….all of us.

I am so excited to share with you that from January 23-February 1, 2014 I will be in India with a team from Gateway, serving and loving God’s people and seeking to share the life and freedom that is available through Jesus Christ with those we encounter!

Would you please commit to pray for us? Our team firmly believes that prayer is the foundation for our work. What we will be doing and how effectively we do it will depend on your prayers.

Also, would you prayerfully consider partnering with me by sending me through financial support? This a wonderful opportunity for those who aren’t available to physically serve globally, to serve by sending someone out to the nations. The total trip cost is $2800 (of which I am personally paying $600) and includes airfare, lodging, ground transportation, food, etc.

If you feel led to give, you can give online by heading directly to and clicking the “GIVE NOW” link. Please respond with any prayer or financial support by January 5th as our team departs at the end of January 2014.

Thank you so much for reading my letter and thank you for your willingness to consider being a part of my team. Please email or call with any questions.  

Priscilla Williams

India 2012-2013:


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