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The Big Thing

God is taking us out of the old and into the new. He is taking us out of getting our needs met into coming into our inheritance...out of measure into fullness and abundance. We are fellow heirs with Jesus as He is the one that will train us into our inheritance.

It's so important that you understand that when sonship comes, privilege comes with it. In order to open the door for other people, that's what Jesus is going to be doing, He trains us. He's going to be opening the door for us to be like Him. That's what you have to look forward to. He's making you in His likeness. When it comes to being unlimited, we become sons and daughters of inheritance because of the father's relationship with Jesus.

From the very beginning of creation inheritance is predestined. For us, it's ordained out of the good pleasure of His will. So you have no idea how delighted God is at this moment looking at you at a place He's been planning to bring you for a long time. And now, this is that day and he's looking at you differently. Now he's adopting you as His child and that means He will treat you as Sons and Daughters. He will treat you as His children that will take responsibility and He will treat you as His children who can take hold of this adoption, and by being changed, He wants to get you there as fast as you can to share the “Good News” in this country, in this region, in your town and in your own home. Many are well behind the time of their own identity in Christ and their own development in Christ. You must know That God is looking throughout the Earth, looking for sons and daughters, on whose behalf they can show Himself strong every time. It's always been that we wonder, what is the next thing God is asking us to do. This is not the next thing, this is the thing... The Big Thing.

In the light of the territory God just put you into, everything gets an upgrade. When Jesus said you have the prophets until now, which means you're not going to have them any further, because the kingdom is here now. So now everyone's thinking about what Jesus meant when He said, “When I go to the Cross, all the old things go with me”. Christ, the one who makes everything real, is now living in us and so now we have to re-evaluate the old prophetic world at a higher level.

We have to be reformatting old promises because now they have to be made new, because Jesus Christ is within us. That makes sense. We're not in a visitation culture as God lives in us...we are the Revival. That's what inheritance gives you. It gives you a revival complex because everything gets revived, everything gets restored. We're now living in a sense of wonder because that's who we are going forward. That means the prophetic Old Testament prophecy has to go into the cross and be rebirthed...left at the cross.

Colossians 1:12

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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