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Many times in ministry I get asked the question, “Who am I in Christ anyway?”.

In developing who you are in Christ, you must know that you are truly God’s workmanship, His masterpiece, here to do good works according to His plans for you. And, remember, Jesus doesn’t want you to just act like Him, He wishes you to be like Him.

A good practice upon waking up in the morning, which is the time of day that works best for me, or at some designated time that may work best for you, have a “God Routine”. I call it my “Jesus Time” and unless there is something very unusual happening, I don’t miss. I budget about ninety minutes every day to get started with’s in my calendar and my alarm clock knows.

First of all, I find it especially powerful, in the quiet and stillness and of the morning, on my knees if possible, to get a fast start on morning prayer. The “knee time” thing is important as we pray in a position of surrender and healing which is eternal and miraculous. Be in His presence on your knees. So prayer is first. By the way, prayers of gratitude and thankfulness are a good way to start.

Next, be in the Word of God! No exception to this rule...we must be in the “Word” daily for transformation, strength, endurance, and peace. Remember, He is with you when you read His Word. So what to read? There are many bible reading and study plans that are easily accessible. However, if you are dealing with a particular personal issue or being attacked, tell God what is bothering you and look it up in His Word. Also, there are many devotionals that are supported by scripture here at E320.Life and other great places like the YouVersion Bible App.

Now, make a statement, a proclamation as to who you are in Christ! Write it down, speak it out loud, memorize it, and speak it many times during the day. Believe it, let the Lord know that you know who you are in Him. A good way to begin developing your statement or proclamation is to start with some of the “I am” statements in the bible...not to necessarily utilize them verbatim but to begin developing your own proclamation of who you are in Christ. (This is not referencing Christ’s “I am” statements.) The process of development of your personal proclamation will morph as you grow in is definitely a live document...always.

Then, have a series of affirmations to read out loud daily. These do not need to be Scripture but they do need to be based on Scripture. Again, this will help solidify and clarify who you are in Christ and what your intentions are for the day. Here are just a few examples of some affirmations with Scriptural reference for you to get the idea of how to develop your own. Again, you can take a look at some of the “I am” Scriptures to help you. These will also morph as you go through life and become best friends with Jesus Christ. Note that the affirmation is not a copy of the Scripture but is supported by the Scripture noted at the end.

Daily Affirmations

I am a promise maker. I am a promise keeper. I always finish what I start.

God works through me to strengthen, encourage, and comfort others. Christ’s energy works powerfully in me so that I might share God’s truths with others. Colossians 1:28-29

I teach God’s great truths to people who are able to pass them on to others. 2 Timothy 2:2

God reveals his spiritual truths to me by his Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:13

I seek the praises and approval of God, not others. 2 Corinthians 10:18

I am a good leader and I stand firm and plan to do good, honorable and noble things. Isaiah 32:8

God is my refuge, strength, and help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1

Worship! This is vital and will help you, not only to praise and worship God but help you to withstand the attacks from the enemy and the tornados of life. Listen to worship music and sing His praises all day long...while driving, in the shower, while mowing the get the idea. Keep worship music going...listening and singing all day long. Accept the garment of praise that He gives you.

Finally, close out this little time with Jesus with a closing prayer of thanksgiving. It will get your day off to the right start with Him, keep Him close and you will begin to see in short order who you are in Christ.


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