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Williams Team Update 06.01.19: Texas Summer Heat Already?!

Wow! The last 6 months have gone by so quickly! Can you believe that we are about half-way through this year! Geesh! My head is spinning! Bare with me as I, once again, try to cram as much information as possible into this update.

Children’s Ministry has been a beautiful venue for me to witness God at work in ‘pure’ form. Some of the children have had some very sweet worship experiences. They’ve all become a close family. When someone goes without attending service for a while, they notice. They’ve been learning about the gift of the Holy Spirit, celebrated God’s love on Valentine’s Day, celebrated a fun resurrection day on Easter Sunday with an extensive egg hunt and games with their church family. And they got to honor Mom on mother’s day with a beautiful craft and words of encouragement. And tomorrow they will experience our version of “Promotion Sunday”. I will have the opportunity to honor each of them in their journey and spiritual growth.

The women’s group that I have had the privilege to lead has consistently gone deeper in exploring how God is working in life’s seasons. We’ve had LOTS of sweet prayer time with Jesus and he’s done some beautiful healing. For every “breakdown” we’ve experienced, God has an even bigger break-through to reveal. This summer we will be hosting a Search for Peace women’s group study and Women’s Gathering. We are expecting break-through and healing. And so… God will exceed our expectations!

Eddie reports that the men’s group that he leads has also had some authentic prayer time and transparent, vulnerable conversations. Plans for a Men’s Gathering is in the works as well. I wish I had more to share on his behalf but only he has the testimony in his heart to share. Prayerfully, he will find time to post something soon.

Continue to pray for us and the things we shared that God has put on our hearts: kid’s leadership training, hearing God workshops for kids, local and out of town mission trips for us and for children and others in our church.

How else you can be praying for us: Continue with the same prayers: Pray that we can be the best representatives that we can possibly be of God’s word. Pray that as we pour out into others, that we respond to God’s pursuit always to turn back to Him for connection, guidance, and replenishing. Pray that we continue to walk through the right doors for raising funds and support.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. To be added to our prayer team or to support us further with financial blessing, find the links on the left side of this blog post.

Love and blessings,

Eddie and Priscilla Williams


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