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Part 1 Worship the King!...Who is. Who was. Who is to come!

Only God is worthy to receive glory, honor and power, for He is the Creator of the Universe (Rev 4).

We should hold God in such high regard that we adore and cherish Him above all and before all. But in order for us to truly be able to worship God, we must know Him, or we must at least begin the lifelong quest of doing so.

God’s Word, the Bible, is full of information about the God we serve. The Old Testament chapters in Psalms are infused with truths about Him, His character, and His ways. Here is just a glimpse into who He is according to many of them:

  • He is our Father, our God, our Rock, and our Savior.

  • He is our Sun and our Shield.

  • He is mighty, and established forever like the moon.

  • He founded the world, He created the north and the south, and He rules over the surging seas.

Our God is robed in majesty and armed with strength, and He is exalted over all nations.

He fashioned the ear and formed the eye, and He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name.

He does not treat us as our sins deserve, nor does He repay us according to our iniquities.

He has compassion, He will not slumber, and He is the Alpha and Omega.

That is who our God is, and He is forever worthy of our reverence, adoration and devotion. His character is profound. His actions are remarkable. His sovereignty over the universe is unfathomable.

Psalm 98.

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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