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Part 2 Worship the King!...Who is. Who was. Who is to come!

Worship HIM with music. Not by the quality of our voice but by the condition of our heart.

Worshiping God with music is less about an activity and more about a heart posture that holds God in the highest esteem. The place where God is at the top of someone’s priority list.

Worship is a divine appointment with our God. It is both an extravagant expression and a reserved stillness. It is singing, and it is silence. It’s being still and knowing He is God, and it’s celebrating with banners and dancing. It doesn’t matter what type of song we sing. Whether it’s from the most popular group in the worship music scene today or a hymn written in the 1700s, the style is not what’s important — the condition of our heart is.

To worship is less about displaying an observable expression and more about possessing an inward disposition. A disposition that releases tightly clenched fists, in order to open them up to a God who wants to fill them with His incomprehensible peace and love. So, whether we lift our hands or fall on our faces, our worship should emerge from a heart postured to give God praise.

When we worship, an unexplainable comfort and hope is ushered into our spirits. This unexplainable comfort occurs because worship adjusts our gaze, from the temporary to the eternal. Accurate words or clever phrases fall short in describing what worship does to our spirit when we offer adoration and thanksgiving every day, and especially on those days when we can barely lift our eyes to see the horizon.

We should make worshiping through music a part of our daily routine. We should fill our vacant moments with songs that incite us to worship our amazing God. He is always worthy of it.

Psalm 104

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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