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Part 5 Worship the King!...Who is. Who was. Who is to come!

We worship by trusting God.

We trust so many things every single day of our lives. We trust that the chair we sit in is going to hold us. We trust that the food we eat is not going to make us sick. We trust that the internet signal will be strong when we need it.

We know how to trust. Placing our trust in things we can see appears to be a relatively easy task for us. We just don’t always place our trust in the right things.

What if instead of placing our trust in ourselves or in something temporary, it became second nature for us to trust God in that way? Choosing to trust God as our first instinct rather than our last option invites deep, spiritual growth in us. Think of how peaceful our lives would be if this was our reality.

When we feel overwhelmed with defeat and discouragement, instead of sinking further down into a hopeless abyss, we choose to trust that God is for us and is the healer of the brokenhearted.

So, how do we get to that place of trusting God wholeheartedly? It’s really very simple: by getting to know Him. We can’t trust someone we don’t know. And the way we get to know Him is by spending time with Him, reading His Word, surrounding ourselves with like-minded Christ followers, and immersing ourselves in His Truth. The more we learn of His character, His ways, His plans and His love for us, the easier it is for us to trust Him.

Trust and faith actually go hand in hand, and are often considered to be synonymous. The author of Hebrews writes that “without faith it is impossible to please God.” When we walk in faith and choose to trust God despite what every voice around us is declaring, we please God. This just might be the simplest way you can worship Him.

Psalm 122

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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