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Part 6 Worship the King!...Who is. Who was. Who is to come!

We worship by surrendering our will to God.

"We must never rest until everything inside us worships God." A.W. Tozer

That statement from Tozer is a tall order. Everything inside us, really? How about 73% of what’s inside us? Is that enough? Can we keep 27% of our own will, and do things our way?” We could, but it would be in our best interest to surrender all.

We are blitzed, pestered, and harassed on every side with “stuff” that is vying for our attention. And not just stuff, but events, ideas, dreams, mindsets and plans that seem to be amazing. They appear to make sense in a society that has vaccinated itself against God. But God calls us to a higher standard.

A higher standard where we cast aside our own agenda for a higher purpose.

One that will introduce us to “His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

As Christ followers, we are called to fulfill His purpose, not ours. To love Him with our whole hearts, disregarding all else that competes for our devotion. To love others as much as we love ourselves. To make His name known, and to build His legacy, rather than ensuring that our name is known.

This God that we get to spend the rest of our days worshiping is good. His plans are spectacular, and He invites us to join Him. Even the most outrageous and dazzling ideas we have for a good life aren’t even in the same universe as the plans He has for us.

Our God is mighty, majestic, all-knowing, and non-slumbering. He is the founder of the world, author of humanity, the maker of the seas, the wind-rider, the star-namer, the sin-forgiver and the joy-giver. God is holy, good, great, and the healer of the brokenhearted. And He loves us much more than we can imagine.

Let’s spend the rest of our days worshiping Him.

Psalm 96

Dream Big! Pray Big! Believe Big!


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